8:00 am
Registration for the 89th Annual Conference Opens
8:00 am-8:30 am
Associate Council Annual Business Meeting
The Associate Council invites you to attend their annual business meeting to hear a report from 2021 and help set goals for 2022. This is where the 2022 Associate Council members will be announced and you can find out what keeps them busy all year. If you’re looking to get more involved in the Association, this session is a must.
8:30 am - 9:00 am
Emerging Leaders Council Meeting
9:00 am-10:30 am
Annual Business Meeting with CCA Board
Please join CCA’s Board of Directors for their Annual Business Meeting. This is where the 2022 Board of Directors will be announced.
11:00 am
Expo Opens
All are are encouraged to come early visit the expo and have lunch with the exhibitors. You will have a booth check card that once you’ve visited the booths, will be entered into a drawing. During the Convention & Expo, please take a moment to stop by the auction tables and peruse the auction items. If you are not the silent type, do not despair we will have an expert auctioneer from Richie Bros. to guide us through a live auction during the President’s Banquet! Proceeds from the live auction and heads/tails will support industry scholarships.
11:00 am
Lunch with Exhibitors
Come enjoy lunch with this years exhibitors
11:30 am - 1:00 pm
Leader's Luncheon (Invitation Only)
This is an invite only lunch in honor of CCA past Board Presidents, past Associate Council Chairmen’s, and the Emerging Leader Council’s past Chairmen.
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm
Opening Keynote: “Conquering the Constant of Chaos”
Speaker: Anthony Poponi
- The framing: “I need to be the best version of myself for whatever happens next.”
- Chaos is the old normal the new normal and the future normal
- Challenge stress and strategic discomfort are catalysts for growth
- The “Growth Mindset” is associated with high performers
- Mental Fitness allows us to move from survival to thrival
2:30 pm - 3:30 pm
Workshop: “High-Performing Teams Starts with You
Anthony Poponi
2:30 pm - 3:30 pm
811 Update
Come listen to Neeley Duran with Colorado 811 provide an overview of the Web Ticket Entry (WTE) system that will save your company time and money when it comes to utility locates! Once you learn about this opportunity you’ll want to sign up for the training and we’ll be registering folks for that training after the session. You’ll also learn about new legislative updates to 811, Positive Response (checking ticket status) and all the other new developments with the 811 one call system. Know what’s below and call before you dig!
2:30 pm - 5:00 pm
Heavy Civil Student Competition
Teams from Colorado's top universities will present their proposals and field questions from a panel of judges in front of conference attendees during one of the afternoon conference work sessions.
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Expo Reception
Join us for a reception with the exhibitors. The Student competition winner announced during this time.
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Associate’s Pub Night – Presented by Honnen Equipment Co.
Join your CCA member friends and make some new ones while you sample
micro-brews, enjoy traditional pub food, play games and compete to win prizes!