Board of Directors
The CCA Board of Directors is responsible for setting all
policies of the association. They create the association’s strategic direction
and meet regularly to monitor implementation of the plan. The Board is made up
of 12 contractor members who are elected by the membership. The Chairman of the
Associate Council also serves on the Board. The Board hires the Executive
Director who in turn manages the day to day operations of the association and
association staff. For the current Board of Directors Members click here .
Associate Council
The CCA Associate Council has one goal- to support the
Colorado Infrastructure Industry. This dedicated group of Associate members
provides a wide variety of backing to the organization through golf tournaments,
good will projects, workforce assistance and financial contributions. Associate
Council members serve for terms of 3 years. For the current Associate Council
Members click here.
CCA Staff
While each member of the CCA staff has specific duties and
expertise, they pride themselves on working as a team to keep the association
running at its best. Check out the staff bios here for more information on each
staff member.