CCA, CAPA and the Rocky Mountain ATSSA Chapter will once again partner to host an industry event promoting work zone safety on Wednesday, April 17.
This date coincides with Go Orange Day during the National Work Zone Awareness Week and we are encouraging all CCA members and industry partners
to attend.
Presentations from CDOT, local agencies, and contractors will be shared to provide the latest information on making work zones safer. Advanced registration is required to obtain a head count for lunch.
Sponsorships are available to support this event, with opportunity for your company to receive recognition. Review the schedule of activities below and register today!
- 9 a.m. - Registration / Check in
- 9:30 a.m. - Program begins
- 11:30 a.m. - Networking and lunch provided
Kiewit Headquarters
10055 Train Station Circle
Rocky Mountain Auditorium (inside)
Lone Tree, CO 80124
Available Sponsorships
Orange Sponsor - $1,000
Orange sponsors will receive a dedicated tabletop for distribution of
company literature at the event, and/or may bring safety equipment to
display in the parking lot. In addition, your company will receive
recognition at the event, and in promotional emails for Go Orange Day.
Sponsorships help pay for complimentary lunches and other fees associated
with hosting this event.
Red Sponsor - $500
Red sponsors will receive company recognition at the event, and in
promotional emails for Go Orange Day. Sponsorships help pay for
complimentary lunches and other fees associated with hosting this event.
Yellow Sponsor - $250
Yellow sponsors will receive company recognition at the event. Sponsorships help pay for complimentary lunches and other fees associated with hosting this event.